And one of the greatest things about living where we have a little space to breathe, a little land, is that we get to experience all sorts of cool natural things
we wouldn't have noticed before. The most magical so far has been the hatching of two monarch butterflies...could there be a more quintessential metaphor?

We all know the story. The silly-looking green caterpillar chomps on everything in sight. Then somehow, it turns itself into a fairytale-looking cocoon, complete with gold trimmings! (Monarch catarpillars have great style!) After a few weeks, during which time secret and transformative things
are happening within, it suddenly displays brilliant black and orange through its shell, and the next day, voila! Out flops a cumbersome monarch butterfly...fat bellied and small-winged. But oh, give it a few hours, and it transforms again into a gorgeous, brand-spankin' new adult butterfly, ready to take flight for Mexico, Florida or Texas. (Hey, after all that work, you'd want a vacation, too!)

So here we are, having witnessed this amazing feat...the transformation of a living thing from one state into a total other
external state. But it's still the same thing, you know? That caterpillar had the butterfly fixin's inside of it all the time. It took work and time and lots of energy and rest, but holy butterflies, Batman! Look at the result! It can fly!

Where are you in this process, my friend? There are seeds of brilliant wings inside of you, right now, in this very moment. What's one way that you can reflect some of that brilliance on the outside? Find a place to start. Begin your transformation. And in just a few weeks' time, I'll see you on the updraft of the next breeze!