Our good friends at www.websters.com tell us that "radical" (an adjective, btw), means "of or going to the root or origin; fundamental." So what's that got to do with the above? Plenty.
More and more, I see the work I do as that of helping clients peel away the layers of "shoulds" and "ought tos" and "They" and "Everybody," finally exposing who they are at their core, their root. They remember who were at their origin...that soul/spirit grounded being that came into this world to self-express in only the way that it possibly can...who they are fundamentally, outside of what everyone else thinks or wants.
Life hurts when this radical, fundamental part of us gets buried along the way. We get sad, depressed, and angry. We muddle through mediocre lives that are in service of everyone and everything else, instead of first tending our own souls so that we can then be of service in the world in ways that actually fill us up instead of drain us dry.
And we know. We know who we are at our root. We remember what brought us joy when we were a kid. The things we'd do and the people we'd be if neither time nor money were concerns. In our vanilla adult lives, we reach back in our memories, and into our heart of hearts, and we know that what's really there is cherrybomb chocolate caramel splash!
So what is it for you? Who are you, radically? What's under your layers that's aching to see the light of day?
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