Hola! Happy Spring! I hope that applies to you, wherever you live. Here in North Carolina we're experiencing a gorgeous--albeit heavily pollen-and therefore allergy-laden--spring. The leaves are starting to emerge, all the azaleas and dogwood are in full bloom, the daffodils are just gasping their last bright sighs for the year, and the garden is starting to look orderly and bright green again!
So, here's what I have for you today. A friend sent a link to a short and, to me, very intriguing article on adrenal fatigue. Basically, it says that our adrenal system--the system that gives us energy--is our barometer for the degree of true satisfaction in our lives.
You know those times in life when it's just hard to get out of bed in the morning? When you lay there and mentally review what you're about to go do, and you just dread it? And feel exhausted at the thought? Well, according to Charles Eisenstein, that's our body saying, "HEY! YOU DON'T LOVE THE LIFE YOU'VE CREATED! IT'S NOT SERVING YOUR HIGHEST NEEDS AND DESIRES! SO I'M NOT GOING TO GIVE YOU THE ENERGY TO GO DO THAT YUCKY STUFF!"
And typically, we respond by forcing ourselves out of bed, swigging down one or two or three cups of coffee to bypass our body's message, popping a few Advil or aspirin or Tums or whatever, and off we go, happily self-medicated but ultimately no happier in our lives.
Our bodies are so wise. They communicate with us ALL THE TIME. You know how sometimes your stomach clenches up? Or you get a stress headache? Or you catch yourself clenching your jaw? Or your chest tightens up? All signs and signals, my friends, that we're not honoring our highest selves somehow.
So, what's you're body telling you?
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