Howdy, friends.
It's Monday. It still feels like summer. And I feel like I've been hit by the tractor trailer o' life.
My family found out recently that my 44 year old sister-in-law of 24+ years has cancer. Not a nice cancer. Not a cancer that can be cured.
Sometimes we bee-bop through life, and whammo, the Universe sends a right hook.
Thankfully, thankfully, that news came the same week I finally checked out Kris Carr's website. In 2003, Kris was diagnosed with incurable cancer at the age of 31, and she is going SO strong! She took her healing and remission into her own hands, and she is proving to the world just how powerful our minds and hearts and bodies really are. She is an inspiration.
Another website you need to hang out on and bookmark is Sera Beak's homepage. If you are a spiritual seeker and haven't yet stumbled across The Red Book, you're missing out!
So, as you can see, this is where I turn in times of whammo. I turn to the people I know who are complete badasses...people who are the powerful creators of their own lives. People whose orientations are set to "Creator" vs. "Victim," even when they, too, get smacked upside the proverbial head. Choosing which set of glasses to put on...the wild, sparkley, crazy-shaped ones labeled "Creator" or the thick, black, impossible-to-see-through-anyway ones labeled "Victim"...makes ALL ALL ALL the difference.
What does it mean for you to be the powerful creator of your own life?
Peace to you, my dear reader.
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