Thursday, January 18, 2007

Being Here Now

How are you? Right now, this very, very minute?

Stop. Take just a moment.

Take in a deep breath.

What's here now?

What do you do with what you notice? Do you "vote" about what comes up? (e.g., happy = good! angry = baaad)

Part of my job as a life coach is to help people gain more conscious access to their whole selves. From a very young age, like, right out of the chute, many of us were taught that some emotions are good, and some aren't so good. When we're sad, people who care about us try to make us happy. When we're mad as kids, sometimes we're scolded for it, or even punished. And some of that is instinctual parenting stuff!

But as we grow into adulthood, we haven't been taught to recalibrate. To know that we can have access to our full range of emotions and just experience them, without attaching stories or meaning to them. Just simply feel them, let them be, and then do with them what we will. Usually they sort of just morph into the next thing, and then the next thing, and the next thing.

Instead, we're taught to always look forward. Set goals! Achieve them! Want more! More! More!

So does some of this sound abstract? Well, just give it a go.

Stop. Take just a moment.

Take in a deep breath.

What's here now?

And now?

And now?

And what's underneath that first thing?

What else is here?

Let it all in. See what happens!

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