Friday, June 29, 2007

Energy Out, Energy In!

WOW. I've experienced it before, but sometimes you forget, ya know?

I'm talkin' energy flow, people, and the belief that the energy we put out there comes right back at us. We reap what we sow, so to speak.

So here's a recent example from the life of moi: a few weeks ago, my dear partner, Robert, and I stumbled upon our dream home. We weren't looking, but when opportunity came knocking, we checked it out, instantly fell in love with the home and the surrounding space, and chose to dive in with an offer together! Right around this time, we also decided to get hitched. (Technically, he asked, and I said "yes!") Big stuff, right? I mean, I'm almost 37 and have never gotten married, nor have I bought a home by myself, much less with someone else.

What preceeded these two events, though, was an intense time of self-reflection, seeing and owning up to some painful truths about each of us as individuals and together in our relationship, and a decision to dig in, work hard, love harder, and see what happened. The energy we chose to put into our lives was full on, positive, "we can do this!" kinda juju. And look what we're getting back!

Along with all of this, for me, has also come bunches of fear, which was surprising. After all, when Prince Charming finally pops the question, we all live happily ever after, right? Rose petals and rainbows? Well, what I've found is that sure, I'm thrilled at the events of late. And, I'm terrified! And, there's no where else I'd rather be.

One of the fears has been financial. How the heck am I going to pay for my full half of this place, anyway? This past year has been one of intentional debt accrual (with coach training, my leadership program in California, getting certified, etc.), and Robert's wonderfully taken over our combined expenses for a while. Now the rubber's hitting the road, though...time to hike it all into high gear and not only pay for what I used to contribute (my half of utilities, groceries, etc.), but now there's a fat mortgage in there, too.

I panicked about this for a few days. The result? I felt sluggish, dazed, worried, and my jaw started aching and popping from all the mid-night clenching I was apparently engaged in. So, I made a decision. I could continue down the path I was on, which was getting me nowhere fast. OR, I could choose to put different energy into the situation. A few days ago, I chose the later. I chose to believe that there's no way the universe/god/goddess/etc. would have placed this amazing home in our laps if we also weren't going to be blessed with the means to be there. And I also chose to believe that we're not given what we're not up to dealing with. (And in that light, it's kind of an honor to have all this challenge before me; someone must thing I'm up to it!)

The result? As of today, I have a new client and three more potentials. They've all just appeared, as if "out of thin air." But I believe differently, because it's happened before. When my energy shifted, and I put positive energy out there, I got positive energy back. But the trick? It's got to be real. Totally. Completely. No niggling doubts!

So. Where are you in your life? C''ve gotta be willing to really look. Where are you hanging on to potentially negative, small, stuck energy or fear? Where might you play with letting go of that perspective and choosing something new?

After all, our good friend Albert Einstein defined insanity as something like, "doing the same thing you've always done and expecting different results." My other personal favorite: "if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got." Maybe not grammatically perfect, but point made nonetheless!

Find that spot, big or small, where you're stuck, and choose to put different energy into it. If your intention is really true, I suspect you'll be blown away by what you get back!

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