Monday, November 19, 2007

Attitude of Gratitude

I'm starting to get to the point where if I hear that phrase one more time ("Attitude of Gratitude"), I might hurl.

And, what can I say? It's good stuff. It just has an annoying outer package!

Seriously, not to be cliche, but 'tis the season, kinda like how we all like to give at Christmas, but why should December get all that fun anyway?? :-)

I am grateful for:

* Challenging relationships that require me to GROW, if I am to stay in them!

* The fact that my partner, Robert, is willing to warm my ice-cube-esque feet at bedtime every night of the year from September - late April

* The softness of my cats' fur...Spike's chin and chest, Kevin's neck, Chloe's front paws, and JoJo's whole bod!

* A community that inspires me to growth and learning that I never could have predicted

* Family that sticks together

* A posse of rock-star women who are my dear, badass friends

* Etc.!

We have a choice every day to live from this orientation of choose to see the world through the lenses of what we have and what we're grateful for, vs. what we don't have and what we can't seem to get our grubby mits on.

SO. I submit to the cheesy but vital question, my dear reader: what are you grateful for? What keeps you moving through life, without which the colors around you would pale? Where is abundance sitting right next to you, waiting to be acknowledged and embraced? You've got's right there...

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